Jacob And Drinkwater – LIVE at Hermon Arts

Hermon Oswestry
7:00pm - Sat, 15th Jun 2024

Join Jacob & Drinkwater as they celebrate 10 years of the duo with a UK tour throughout May & June 2024.

They first began performing together back in 2014. They have since released an EP, a live album, and two studio albums, taken in plaudits from BBC6 and BBC Introducing, performed at Glastonbury and toured extensively in the UK and Europe. With a core sound built around acoustic guitar, double bass and vocal harmonies their live show has been described as “intense and spellbinding” by Folk Radio UK, all its energy, musical chemistry and spontaneity drawing comparisons with the virtuosic pairing of John Martyn and Danny Thompson.

Their strongly folk influenced sound is full of vitality, dynamism and surprising musical departures. Jacob’s sweeping vocals never fail to captivate, delivering many a spine-tingling moment; the fluidity and precision of his finger-picking underpinned by Drinkwater’s nimbly rhythmic double bass; at times sweetly soaring, haunting, percussive and driving, the layers of depth a perfect counterfoil. The added complement of stirring vocal harmonies nicely rounds off the mix.

With the duo now living 11,000 miles apart they only tour the UK once a year so catch them while you can!

‘they draw the audience into their world with a powerful mesmerising set.’ – FRUK

‘Exactly the kind of deep intense and brilliant thing we’ve come to expect from Jacob & Drinkwater’ – BBC Music Introducing

‘more innovative explorations in songwriting’ – Fresh On The Net

Tickets £15 available Mon to Fri 9:30-12:30 on 01663 308202, on the door and online.
Doors and bar open 7pm.
