Meet the Mayor

10:00am - 2:00pm, Wed, 5th Jul 2023

Oswestry Town Mayor, Councillor Olly Rose is hosting a meet a ‘Meet the Mayor’ event alongside other Councillors on Wednesday, the 5th of July at Oswestry town market.

There will be stall outside the Guildhall and Oswestry residents are invited to meet the Mayor, ask any questions and chat about issues that are important to them.

Councillor Rose adds “I am keen to meet as many people as possible and hear about their priorities.

It is important for the Town Council to be accessible to residents. We hope to hold another event later in the year and anyone can get in touch with me via my new Facebook page oswestrytownmayor.”

“The Town Council has just published an annual newsletter and this will be on display for people to read. Come down and hear about some of the great projects we have delivered and learn about our plans for 2023 and beyond”.

The stall will be open from 10am until 2pm on the 5th of July at the Bailey Head, Oswestry.
