The Baby Fayre at Open Space Studios

1:00pm - 5:00pm, Sat, 25th Nov 2023

JOIN Open Space Studios CIC for an afternoon of all things baby at The Baby Fayre.

Open Space Studios are teaming up with Chloe Elizabeth Dance and Yoga with Jess to bring Oswestry’s its first baby fayre!

It’s a free event and say hi to multiple local independent businesses who all offer something special for mum, mums-to-be, babies and families.

Through the day there will be chance to chat with these businesses, hear and see demonstrations of the wonderful things they have to offer.  Have a shop for the essential baby items at our fully donated baby boot sale. Or, just come for a natter over a tea with other expecting, new and knowledgable parents. 🙂

All we ask is that if you’re able, leave a small donation to the studio. Enabling the community to keep growing .


* Are you a business that works and supports parents and/or babies? Want a table to showcase what you offer and connect with potential customers? Or even run a scheduled talk or demonstration during the day.
* Do you have baby clothes/toys/books that you no longer use? Donate these items to people who will love and appreciate them as much as you did!
