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Looking for Oswestry’s Community Champions

Oswestry Town Mayor, Councillor Olly Rose is looking for the Council’s ‘Community Champions’ of 2023/24.

The Community Champion Awards were first introduced by Councillor Jay Moore in 2022 and recognise people or organisations who go the extra mile for Oswestry’s community.

Awards will be presented in July 2023, October 2023, January 2024 and April 2024 and the Mayor has introduced a new award at the end of the year for someone who has done the most to tackle climate change and biodiversity loss in our community.

Councillor Rose adds “It doesn’t have to be fundraiser or a volunteer, it can be someone or a group who has been really helpful in our local community and has a positive effect on people’s lives through their compassionate and inspirational activities.”

If you know of anyone that deserves a special thank you, then please email your nominations to Oswestry Town Mayor at ollyrose@oswestry-tc.gov.uk.
