Oswestry Nightbus

Oswestry Nightbus

UPDATED 27/12/22
The Nightbus service that has run in Oswestry from April will continue through the Christmas period before ending its operation on December 31st 2022.


THE OSWESTRY NIGHTBUS runs every Friday & Saturday with two bus services making it easier to enjoy Oswestry’s wonderful eateries, pubs, cocktail bars and restaurants, and get home safely.

The OSWESTRY TOWN CIRCULAR (£3/single journey) and OSWESTRY VILLAGE CIRCULAR (£4/single journey) will run from 1 April to 31 December 2022.

So whether you live on the outskirts of Oswestry, or around the town, check the timetable for your evening out.


* The NightBus is provided in partnership between Oswestry BID and Tanat Valley Coaches.