Bid Oswestry
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Following the latest government announcement and the continued impacts on the visitor economy sector over this pandemic, it is timely that Shropshire and Telford & Wrekin Councils and representative organisations for the county’s visitor economy will be launching a new annual business support survey – specifically targeted to understand the needs of our visitor economy.
The survey was launched Thursday 7 January and calls for all those working across the tourism and hospitality sector to make their views heard by Wednesday 27 January.
The latest national lockdown means that once again the visitor economy will have to shut its doors. The survey aims to help plan ahead for reopening and recovery as well as understand industry specific need. From Hotels and major attractions to self-catering accommodation, experience providers, hospitality businesses and also the vital supply chains that support the sector from laundry companies, food and drink suppliers to transport are all invited to take part.
The results of the survey will provide a clear picture of the state of the sector in the local area and inform Phase 2 of the Visitor Economy Recovery Plan and will help to inform the future delivery of business support and marketing activity to achieve a safe, steady and sustainable pathway to Telford and Shropshire’s regrowth.
Telford & Wrekin Council and Shropshire Council are getting behind the survey and encouraging wider distribution to all businesses, to encourage maximum participation. The survey which only takes 10 minutes to complete can be accessed here.
The results of the survey will provide a clear picture to shape and influence business support activity, policy, marketing and development at local council, LEP and regional and national tourism board level. The results will be available for release as soon as possible and will make recommendations to the Marches Local Enterprise Partnership.
Gill Hamer, Chief Executive for the Marches LEP, said: “The impact of Covid19 has been destructive to the visitor economy with hospitality, accommodation and arts and culture experiencing a year of challenge and survival. The survey aims to understand how Covid has impacted businesses who make up and contribute to the visitor economy and further understand what specific challenges they face now and what actions are needed to help recovery.”
With time critical information disseminated by central and local government and Visit Britain, the collaboration between both councils, Discover Shropshire and Telford, Visit Shropshire and tourism partnership organisations such the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, has been crucial to help steady and support the visitor economy.